Thursday, October 18, 2007

A commitment to my name

I thought it appropriate to be true to the name of "efficiently wasting your time" by sharing some things that save time so I can waste time. I added a links bar on the right side of the page and you will find three things that help me out and make my life enjoyable.

1. Netvibes is a website that let's you display on one page multiple website feeds. This is a great tool to manage multiple blogs and see who is posted what. I can put up 12 blogs on one page and that saves a ton of time in clicking and going to each one. You can customize alot of stuff on Netvibes.

2. Jott is a phone service that lets you phone 30 second messages that get transcribed and emailed to yourself. You can also send others messages. If I'm driving and think of a list of things i need I just Jott myself. This thing rocks. The list is waiting in my email when I get home.

3. Pandora Radio really just makes me happy and when I'm happy I get things done. It streams stations that you create based on musical preferences. Jimmy Durante radio is good fun for me. Have fun with this tool and enjoy music commerical free.

Finally, get yo Pimp Handle as well and let me know what it is.. Mine is...Ghetto Fabulous K. Ice


Anne Marie said...

I want full credit for all of those things listed. including the name.

Anne Marie said...

fix this so we don't have to sign in every time.

Anne Marie said...

I didn't even make your links of things you waste time on? how is that possible? you are the only one reading my blog.
you surely ain't going to every day pal.

Tirzah said...

anne marie you have your blog locked out to the public. fyi

Melanie said...

Kevin, these are the things that make the stay at home mommy crowd love you. Not to mention you apparently come over and cook dinner. For real, how do we get on that list?

Melanie said...

Big Playah Melanie Flava. Love the pimp my name thing. I would liked to be called this from now on. I'll be changing my stationary.

John Hendrix said...

I shall be known as:

Blak Unda-wearz

And Mel, get your mitts off my personal chef.

Leslie said...

If anyone is getting some home-cooked better be me.

peace out,
Master Fly Leslie Slither

cagedwisdom said...

The Croc lady has spoken and she's so fly how can I say no.