Saturday, December 1, 2007

Hannah Montana of Bluegrass

Because I know that you come to me for your hard hitting bluegrass news let me introduce you to Sierra Hull who must be the Hannah Montana of bluegrass. She is not related to Billy Ray, which actually goes to her credibility, so don't be confused by that. She has some chops and it's great to watch them jam in the living room with wood paneling behind them and a guy on mandolin a.k.a "the chili dipper" with handle bar mustache. Do you think his name is Randy, Fletcher or Dale?



Courtney Patch said...

This is by far the best video you've posted yet. Amazing.

cagedwisdom said...

thank you for the complement. I'm glad I have set the bar so low.

Andrew Simone said...

awesome, a chilly dipper. I love that word.

Leslie said...


Tirzah said...
