Wednesday, March 12, 2008

I've got a need, a need for Green

Who wants to be Green!! Since that color could get annoying quickly lets jump back into the beautiful color of oil and coal and talk about the environment. Unless you have been splitting wood in a shed for 5 years in Montana you have heard that Global Warming is on the rise (pun intended) and that if we don't act to save the planet then the affects would be irreversible. You saw NBC's Green Week and got a sense of the problem (note: NBC is owned by GE who makes a but load of light bulbs, so surely no vested interest at all) That's some seriously scary stuff but I kept on hearing small bits of radio shows or a article that was actually skeptical of this slam dunk fact of which Al Gore informed us, "The debate is over." Apparently the debate is not over among some pretty smart scientists.

The best source I have found to hear what I think is a thoughtful look at the science of climate and how the earth works is a BBC documentary called "The Great Global Warming Swindle." It's very well done and the narrator has a British accent so it is a slamdunk. They explain things like temperature change preceding CO2 going up, the effect the ocean plays in this whole game and that the sun (go figure) might actually be the main reason for the .71 Cel. increase in temperature over the last 100 years

Pay attention to temperature change before Co2 levels, this information is vitally backwards. Temperature change precedes Co2 going up so that means that the solution of reducing Co2 is completely flawed. Now even if Co2 causes temperature change the solutions to reduce Co2 are utterly ineffective. Australia, for example, will effectively eliminate the incandescent light bulb around 2010 and be using compact fluorescents. They estimate they will reduce their C02 emission by 800,000 metrics tons! Boo yah, slam dunk. Way to go, Aussie Aussie Aussie- Oye Oye Oye. One thing, that number makes up .21 percent of the entire continents Co2 emissions. Hmmm. Also, there is mercury, a "neurotoxin", in those there light bulbs read this NPR article
here about that.

Well, what will really make a difference is full compliance
with the Kyoto Protocol that Bush gets hammered about never signing and the U.S. should join the global community in this en devour. Watch this clip from a special called "The Climate of Fear" about the history of Kyoto. Check out the graph they show about full compliance to Kyoto. It's not a solution at all. You get to see Al Gore in this clip, so joy.

Did you know that volcanoes produce more Co2 than all man made activity. We are a small slice of the pie.The Earth is a big big place, with 75% covered in water we can only occupy 25% , so the ocean has us out numbered in space 3 to 1. We live on an amazing planet and being wise with what we throw away, introducing toxins into the environment and stewarding creation is a great and good thing. We should do this with zeal but it should be informed zeal and do work that gains real solutions and not because of hype and some bad science.


Trevor Harden said...

All very interesting stuff. I can't say I favor one side or the other - both seem to produce good arguments. It's just that the media certainly biases the Gore camp. You don't hear much in opposition to that.

On a side note... "Aussie Aussie Aussie- Oye Oye Oye" ? Is that a British OFFICE reference!?!?!?

cagedwisdom said...

That would be "Auggie Auggie Auggie". It's actually a chant Australians do but very astute catch on the Office reference.

Trevor Harden said...

"Do you still keep in touch with Oggy?"

rachel said...

What I like is this site:

It's an aggregator, like Arts & Letters Daily (which rocks) of scholarly and popular articles on BOTH sides of the debate, greenies in the left-hand column, minority reports in the right. It's good stuff.